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    Special Price ₹ 92.00
    Regular Price ₹ 115.00 (MRP)
    Inclusive of all taxes
    Please consult your Physician
    Availability : In stock
    Pack Size : 30 ml

    All BaksonHomeopathic Dilutions are potentised Homoeopathic medicines manufactured by the use of Extra Neutral Alcohol which is free from impurities like aldehydes and ketones and are safe to consume under the advise of a registered Homoeopath for your ailment. We use back potencies manufactured inhouse from genuine raw material and then potentise them to desired potency through homoeopathic pharmacopeial procedures.

    Manufactured in India by: Bakson Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Chouli Shahbuddinpur, Pargana Bhagwanpur, The. Roorkee-247661, Distt Haridwar, UK, India ,Customer care executive Mail id and contact details-customercare@buybakson.com, 18002572829

    Please click here for medical information for the use of doctors only

    More Information

    Action of Medicine:

    The major features of Meny are chill, sensations and pains of tension and compression, spasmodic jerkings and visible twitchings. These are worse during rest and may be associated with neuralgia. Meny is a remedy for certain headaches, intermittent fever. Coldness predominates and felt most acutely in abdomen and legs and tip of nose. Twitchings. Sensation of tension and compression. Fidgets and urinary difficulties in women. Diabetes. Meny produces an icy coldness of prominent, single or affected parts, nose, care, fingers, knees, abdomen, etc. Tensive and compressive pains. Spasmodic jerking and visible twitchings with neuralgia. Jumpy, fidgety women with urinary troubles. Great general debility on walking often accompanied by shivering. Jerking in skin as if it was several sizes too small and he was crowded in to it. Shooting pains and pinching in limbs and joints (arthritic disorders)
    CLINICAL: Amaurosis. Chest disorders. Cramps. Fidgets. Headache. Heart, pains. Intermittent fever. Jerkings. Paralysis.

    References: Boericke’s New Manual of homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory

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