The thyroid gland is an insignificant gland that is located in the front of the neck and is encircled by the windpipe (trachea). It’s molded like a butterfly, smaller in the middle with two wide wings that broaden around the side of your throat. The thyroid is a gland. Your body consists of glands, which produce and release substances that assist various bodily functions. Your thyroid produces hormones that assist in regulating a number of important bodily processes.

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a) Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism can lead to Graves’ disease. This presents with many symptoms, including sweating, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), weight loss, protruding eyes and nervousness.

b) Hypothyroidism

The common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune. In Autoimmune disorders antibodies are created which eventually attacks the thyroid gland. The symptoms of hypothyroidism can include tiredness, weight gain, depression, abnormal bone development and stunted growth.

c) Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder just like Hypothyroidism but this creates inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hashimoto may cause a goiter (swelling in the neck due to an enlarged thyroid gland) and other symptoms as well.

d) Thyroid Tumors

Another type of thyroid nodule and adenoma presents as small, non-cancerous growths and begin in the cell layer that lines the inner surface of the thyroid gland. The adenoma may secrete thyroid hormone and may cause hyperthyroidism. Thyroid adenoma treatment eventually leads to surgery for removing the overactive nodule.

e) Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer occurs in people who have undergone radiation to the head, neck or chest. However, it may also occur in those without any known risk factors. There are four major types of thyroid cancer:

1. Papillary Thyroid Cancer.

2. Follicular Thyroid Cancer.

3. Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer.

4. Medullary Thyroid Cancer.


a) Be Watchful About Eating Your Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage contain compounds called goitrogens that can interfere with the thyroid's ability to produce hormones. However, cooking these vegetables can reduce the goitrogenic effect, and they still provide many essential nutrients for overall health.

b) Maintain a Balanced Diet Everyday: A balanced diet with sufficient amounts of iodine, selenium, and zinc is essential for thyroid health. Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, while selenium and zinc are required for the conversion of thyroid hormones into their active form.

c) Workout Daily by keeping a limit: Regular exercise can improve thyroid function by increasing the production of thyroid hormones and improving metabolism. However, excessive exercise can lead to stress on the body, which can adversely affect thyroid health.

d) Maintain a Healthy Body Weight: Being overweight or underweight can affect thyroid function. Obesity can lead to insulin resistance, which can impair thyroid function, while being underweight can reduce thyroid hormone production.

e) Yoga or Meditation can help to manage stress: Stress can disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, leading to thyroid dysfunction. Yoga and meditation can help manage stress and promote relaxation, which can benefit thyroid health.

f) Have a good eight hours of sleep: Sleep is essential for overall health, including thyroid function. Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's hormonal balance, including thyroid hormones, and can lead to metabolic imbalances.

g) Listen to the signals of the body which passes: It is essential to listen to the body's signals, such as changes in energy levels, appetite, and mood. These can be indications of thyroid dysfunction, and seeking medical attention can help manage thyroid health.



Homeopathic treatment works at the immune system level and rectifies your body's improper functions. Treatment with homeopathy is also beneficial in cases when auto-immune factors induce thyroid disorders.

It assists in managing your thyroid symptoms without causing any unpleasant discomfort or negative side effects. Early homeopathic thyroid treatment helps in overcoming underactive and overactive thyroid difficulties, which indirectly treats related ailments including chronic fatigue, infertility, obesity, depression, etc.

Homeopathic medicine must be distinctive to each and every individual since, as we are all too aware, homeopathic therapy is founded on the principle of individualization. It is for this reason alone that thyroid problems require a thorough history in order to individualize the course of treatment. The patient is given a single constitutional remedy that naturally enhances thyroid gland activity.


Thyrotoxicosis, a toxic condition can be caused by an excessive intake of thyroid hormone or by overproduction of thyroid hormones by the Thyroid Gland. The common symptoms include excessive sweating, heat intolerance, tremors, weight loss, etc. For trembling of hands, perspiration, exophthalmos, emaciation, diarrhea and other associated symptoms of Thyrotoxicosis, Bakson B56 Drops is an effective option. In the first week of treatment, take 10-15 drops of water 4 times daily before meals. For the next week, take the dose 3 times daily and there after 2 times daily or as prescribed by the physician.

Action of Ingredients:

Atropinum: Exophthalmus. Heat, redness, throbbing, and burning.

Hekla lava: Cervical glands enlarged and indurated. Intoxication of the Thyroid gland with trembling of hands, and perspiration. Thyrotoxicosis.

Iodium: Rapid metabolism. Loss of flesh and great appetite. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration. Individual is exceedingly thin, dark-complexioned with enlarged lymphatic glands, has a voracious appetite but gets thin. Tubercular type. Goitre. Thyroid enlarged.

Spongia: Thyroid gland swollen. Excessive thirst, great hunger. Goiter with suffocative spells, worse touching neck or pressure or pains with heart.

Bromium: It seems to affect especially scrofulous children with enlarged glands. Goiter. Even small goiter oppresses.

Nat. mur.: Great weakness and weariness. Hyperthyroidism. Goiter. Hungry, yet loses flesh. Exopthalmic goiter.

Advice: In some patients, sensitive to drugs, a primary reaction may occur, then the remedy can either be tapered or stopped for a few days. In the meantime, the following may be administered:

Bakson Thyroidinum 3X is for goiter, excessive obesity, arrested development. As prescribed by the physician. This preparation is highly recommended for treatment of myxoedema (due to its diuretic action) and cretinism. Clinical conditions like goiter, obesity, uterine fibroids, mammary tumor, nocturnal enuresis, hyperemesis gravidarum, fibroid tumors of the breast and hypothyroidism. Progressive diminution of the sight with central scotoma is one of the important indications for the use of Thyroidinum. The nutrition of the bones is improved and even acromegaly has been relieved by this drug. Thyroidinum is also known to increase the flow of milk in nursing women when the flow has been deficient (a condition called as agalactiae). It has also cured the cases of both operative and idiopathic tetany. Cardiovascular symptoms associated with exophthalmic goiter such as tachycardia, anxiety about the chest with a sense of constriction and palpitation from least exertion are also treated with Thyroidinum.

Bakson Thyroidinum 6X tab is for goiter, excessive obesity, arrested development. It improves memory, treats Goitre, is suitable to tackle excessive obesity and acts better with pale patients, rather than those of high color, Amblyopia. It also acts against Uterine fibroid, Great weaknesses and hunger, yet loses flesh. Nocturnal enuresis. Agalactia, easy fatigue, weak pulse, tendency to fainting, palpitation, cold hands and feet, low blood pressure, chilliness and sensitivity to cold.


Thyroid disorders can significantly impact one's quality of life, and it is essential to seek timely treatment. While conventional treatments for thyroid disorders such as medication, surgery, and radiation therapy are available, some individuals prefer alternative treatments such as homeopathic remedies. Bakson's Homoeopathic remedies form an alternative that claims to help manage thyroid conditions effectively. However, it is important to note that scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies is limited, and they should be used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. It is crucial to seek medical advice and discuss all treatment options with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your individual thyroid condition.